Szymon Rusinkiewicz (he/him)
David M. Siegel '83 Professor
Chair, Department of Computer Science
Associated Faculty, Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics 
Director, Program in Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Szymon Rusinkiewicz
Email smr at princeton
Office CS building, room 222
Address   Department of Computer Science
Princeton University
35 Olden St.
Princeton, NJ  08540-5233
Office hours   make an appointment (in-person or virtual)
Spring, 2025 No teaching.

 Older classes...

Fall, 2023 COS 217 - Introduction to Programming Systems
Fall, 2022 COS 426 - Computer Graphics
Fall, 2021 COS 217 - Introduction to Programming Systems
Spring, 2021 COS 217 - Introduction to Programming Systems
Fall, 2020 COS 302 / SML 305 - Mathematics for Numerical Computing and Machine Learning
Spring, 2019 COS 217 - Introduction to Programming Systems
Fall, 2018 COS 526 - Advanced Computer Graphics
Spring, 2018 COS 217 - Introduction to Programming Systems
Fall, 2017 COS 597C - Advances in Image Processing
Spring, 2017 COS 426 - Computer Graphics
Fall, 2016 COS 429 - Computer Vision
Spring, 2016 COS 598D - Geometric Representations for 3D Fabrication
Fall, 2015 COS 226 - Algorithms and Data Structures
Spring, 2014 COS/ART/HLS 496 - Modeling the Past - Technologies and Excavations in Polis, Cyprus
Fall, 2013 COS 323 - Computing for the Physical and Social Sciences
Spring, 2013 COS 598A - 3D Capture and Fabrication
Fall, 2012 COS 323 - Computing for the Physical and Social Sciences
Spring, 2012 COS 426 - Computer Graphics
Spring, 2012 COS/ART/HLS 495 - Modeling the Past - Technologies and Excavations in Polis, Cyprus
Fall, 2011 COS 429 - Computer Vision
Spring, 2011 COS 426 - Computer Graphics
Fall, 2010 COS 323 - Computing for the Physical and Social Sciences
Spring, 2010 COS 226 - Algorithms and Data Structures (Preceptor)
Fall, 2009 COS 429 - Computer Vision
Spring, 2008 COS 226 - Algorithms and Data Structures (Preceptor)
Fall, 2007 COS 597B - Reading and Writing Papers in Computer Graphics
Spring, 2007 COS/HLS 598C - Reconstructing the Thera Frescoes
Fall, 2006 FRS 123 - Technology in Art and Cultural Heritage
Spring, 2006 COS 323 - Computing for the Physical and Social Sciences
Fall, 2005 COS 429 - Computer Vision
Spring, 2005 COS 323 - Computing for the Physical and Social Sciences
Fall, 2004 COS 526 - Advanced Computer Graphics
Spring, 2004 COS 429 - Computer Vision
Fall, 2003 COS 526 - Advanced Computer Graphics
Spring, 2003 COS 496 - Computer Vision
Fall, 2002 COS 597B - 3D Photography
Spring, 2002 COS 496 - Computer Vision
Fall, 2001 COS 597D - Sensing for Graphics
I am a professor in the Computer Science Department and a member of the Graphics Group and Princeton ImageX Labs (PIXL). I am also affiliated with the interdepartmental Robotics at Princeton Group and am associated faculty in the Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics. My work focuses on the interface between computers and the visual and tangible world: acquisition, representation, analysis, and fabrication of 3D shape, motion, surface appearance, and scattering. I am interested in topics including computational fabrication; 3D scan acquisition, registration, and reconstruction; learning for low-level image and shape analysis; robotic localization and planning; and BRDF capture and representation. Applications of this work include documentation of cultural heritage artifacts and sites, appearance and performance capture for digital humans, and illustrative depiction through line drawings and non-photorealistic shading models.

If you are interested in joining the PhD program at Princeton: Please be aware that application to the program is evaluated at the department level, and unfortunately I can neither make any promises about the outcome nor evaluate your qualifications outside of that process. Please look here for more information, and apply to Princeton if you are interested. I appreciate that you may have been told that it's a good idea to contact potential advisors ahead of time, but unfortunately I am not able to respond to such emails.

Publications and Preprints



Other Writings, Tutorials, Pictures, etc.
Current graduate advisees: Past graduate advisees:
Past graduate advisees (cont.): Past postdocs:
Other collaborators: